Jonathan Hogg
We continually invest substantial time and funds in upgrading our systems so that we can continue to offer our clients progressive and competitive solutions to debt problems.
We offer fixed charges for all common debt recovery procedures. In most cases, this is limited to the Solicitors’ costs that the Court allows us to recover from the debtor so that using us is frequently more cost effective for clients than in-house debt recovery. Time-based charges apply only when a case becomes irregular or disputed. This clear charging structure assists our clients to budget for the costs of debt recovery.
For undisputed debts we also offer fees which are dependent upon recovery so that we share the costs risk with our clients. The amount of any such contingency fee is dependent upon our risk assessment.
For business to business debts we recover compensation and interest pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts legislation.
Many businesses issue County Court Claims themselves in an effort to save money. However, this is generally more costly for the business in terms of time, delay caused by difficulties with Court procedure and the fact that we usually recover considerably more for our clients than they are able to by themselves.
News & Insights
We are sorry to hear that GW Law Limited has closed following intervention by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. It is especially sad given the time of year this has occurred. Our thoughts are with those adversely affected by the closure. However, it is important to highlight that although our name...